Sering kali kita mendengar tentang pentingnya untuk menjaga kebersihan dari orang tua kita, guru kita, tema kita bahkan oleh orang yang tidak kita kenal, berikut ini pidato
tentang kebersihan dalam bahasa inggris.
Best wishes ..
Praise and gratitude we say let the presence of God the
almighty One who has given us all the grace that on this day we still have the
opportunity to gather together in this place. On this occasion I will give a
little message about the importance of maintaining cleanliness.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Let us remember that as social beings hygiene is one of the
priorities that we must keep. Cleanliness becomes a reflection of what our true
identity as being equipped with thinking. Cleanliness reflects that we are a
healthy community.
Let's keep loving culture of cleanliness as a nation that
promotes cleanliness. Do not get used to the reckless behavior, it reflects
that we are a people who do not like health. Cleanliness is very important and
will make us live safely and free from various disease.
On this happy occasion I want to remind myself and the
audience as well. Let us create a clean, safe and healthy. Cleanliness is the
beginning of the series as a way to reach the goal of a prosperous society.
Cleanliness became the capital necessary for us to be clean and healthy
Later, in a whole range of new diseases began to attack
humans. It is a bit much is caused by our own behavior are less concerned and
be indifferent to the importance of maintaining cleanliness.
Keep environment clean and safe course is the responsibility
of all of us as our community. Do not let the disease because we are covered by
our laziness in maintaining cleanliness.
Ladies and gentlemen
So little that I can convey the message. Younger hopefully
can provide benefits, reminding us how important it is to keep clean.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Speech samples above can you convey cleanliness within the
school or other place.
Title : Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebersihan
Description : Sering kali kita mendengar tentang pentingnya untuk menjaga kebersihan dari orang tua kita, ...